Since November 2008, Palm Beach ArtsPaper has written thousands of reviews and feature pieces about visual art, books, dance, film, music, opera and theater, and posted them online at Since February 2009 we’ve also provided that same coverage in print during the season, and we’ve also branched out into video with our Lives of the Freelancers project, filming in-depth conversations with some of the freelance artists who call this exceptional part of the country home.
Although some of the local audiences you try to reach are seasonal, there is an unlimited audience online, and for ArtsPaper, it’s been steadily growing; our page views consistently increase year over year. In the 2015-16 season just ended, page views were up 9.9 percent over 2014-15. And that audience is local and global: Our top 40 cities include not just all the big South Florida cities and the state capital but Atlanta, Austin, Chicago, New York, London, and Paris.
At very affordable rates, you can reach a literate, interested audience that will see your message along with our coverage of what’s happening in our local arts scene. Here are our basic rates for the web.
Contact us to place your ad today!
These two sizes are the preferred ones for our site, but in certain cases, it may be possible to construct another size to fit your design or expectation. We also can create your ad for an additional fee. Ask your ad representative about doubling your audience impact with an ad in our monthly print product. For details, call Chris Bellard 561-901-7717.
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