One of the true pioneers of South Florida professional theater has died. Michael Hall, 77, co-founder and artistic director of Boca Raton’s Caldwell Theatre company, died June 15 of complications from pancreatic cancer. With seed money from James R. Caldwell, founder of the Rubbermaid kitchen utensils company, Hall was encouraged to create a not-for-profit playhouse in … [Read more...]
Caldwell’s chief betting on world-premiere ‘Vices’
Note to restaurant waiters: Be nice to your fellow workers. You never know when one has a new musical you will want to produce one day.And conversely, if you have a musical you want to see staged, you never know when one of your co-workers will one day run a theater.That is how Vices: A Love Story, opening today at the Caldwell Theatre, became the debut presentation of new … [Read more...]