By Myles Ludwig ’Tis the season of anxiety. Freakouts are in full bloom. The Christmas craze has descended upon the land and the shadow of New Year’s Eve neurosis is coming back again along with feigned resolutions and February’s bills. The other night, the Costco parking lot in Lantana was ablaze with the blinding colors of taillights and I couldn’t find my car for about … [Read more...]
Ariana Savalas: A chip off a different gene pool
In the same way that we worry where the next generation of theater composers and lyricists are coming from, there is a similar concern over the future crop of cabaret performers. It is not a genre that young vocalists are drawn to. Nor, with the upward spiraling prices for an evening of cabaret, will you find many young people in the audience. Still, this month at the Colony … [Read more...]