We are often moved by art, but what is art moved by? Tragedy. Joy. Death. Life. Two dramatic exhibitions now on view at the Morikami Museum feature artworks born out of ashes and out of the necessity to cope with loss. Running through Jan. 31, Wendy Maruyama: Executive Order 9066 revives a particularly sad time to mark the 70th anniversary of the closing of the last … [Read more...]
Athletic, virile Schumann closes Symphonia’s 10th season
One of the benefits of a smaller orchestra is that music of the early 19th century can sound lean and mean if the players and conductors enter into the spirit of the thing. And that’s precisely the way the Symphonia Boca Raton closed its 10th season Sunday at the Roberts Theater in Boca — with gritty, energetic readings of works on a meat-and-potatoes program led by James … [Read more...]
Singer Holmes celebrates inspirations, PB Pops celebrates 20th
The last time Clint Holmes appeared with the Palm Beach Pops, he sang Broadway show tunes and songs associated with Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr. “The audience went crazy. We got a high volume of letters requesting him back,” says David Quilleon, executive director of the Pops. This season, the Pops celebrates its 20th anniversary, having given its first concert in 1992 … [Read more...]